Thursday, January 17, 2008


Today, like most days he has school, Wyatt did NOT want to go. I told him if he was that whiny about it,he was probably tired and he should go to sleep. He never actually sleeps in his own bed for long, but today he perched himself up at the top bunk where a pregnant Mommy definitely cannot get him. He lay there stubbornly for 45 min. until he fell asleep. Wow. I guess he really didn't want to go to school.
These mind games children play. They attack you at your weak spots and try to outwit you by saying how much they'll miss their mommy. Ahhh... I will think of something. I will win.

1 comment:

Jer + Lu said...

It starts so early... Luckily my Wyatt hasn't quite gotten to that point yet. Good thing he really fell asleep, sounds like he would have had it comin to him...