Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Waiting is the Hardest Part

Last week we found out we would be adding another boy to the mix. 3 boys.... as we say in my house, "you are a brave little piglet." Anyway, for those of you that thought I would cry, I can't tell you how totally okay I am. I just can't believe there is another little boy up in heaven, witnessing the chaos of this house, that STILL wants to be part of this family. ( Maybe the girls aren't brave enough.) I saw fingers and toes and a "cute" little profile. ( I say "cute" because who can really tell in an ultrasound?) But judging from our others, he's probably cute. Eli wants to name him Deigo, Wyatt wants to name him Chihuahua. Lets just say his parents have different ideas.


Liz said...

Yay for boys! We're excited for another you to have another one, even one named Diego or Chihuahua.

Jer + Lu said...

It's so fun to see your blog. I love catching up with old friends! Your boys are absolutely adorable! A pretty good mix of the two of you. Their hair is gorgeous (can you say that about a boy?). I have to laugh at Jason's mustache. It doesn't look like facial hair is his forte. Sounds like you were really hoping for a girl. I've been there a few times myself-- but I broke down and cried every time. And now I'm done and have no regrets about not having a girl. Somehow life carries on.... Good luck with the name. Funny we both have Wyatt's. And our Wyatt was almost an Eli. Great minds think alike!